Tools and Apps

Metronome: Google Metronome, Pro Metronome app
Tuner apps: Tunable, Tonal Energy
Music Games apps: Staff Wars, Staff Wars Live, Rhythm Trainer, DM1 Rhythm

How Much Should You Practice? 
Practice is essential to improvement and enjoyment, but how much is enough? I think it's personal, but read below to learn what studies have shown below!

The Bulletproof Musician (They have a ton of awesome articles about studying music!)

The Smithsonian (Don't let the title get you down!)



Staying Motivated

Kids these days have busier schedules than most adults! I believe music is an amazing tool for personal growth, academic improvement, interpersonal connection and just having fun! But how do you stay motivated in this crazy world? Read below to see what experts have to say:

What to do when you feel stuck

Why Students Quit